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Your Secret to Easy Dental Medical Billing

August 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — bradybilling @ 1:47 pm

relaxed dentistYour practice has grown so much over the past few years since you’ve started treating patients for obstructive sleep apnea, and you’re just happy that you’re able to help more people than ever. Of course, progress always has drawbacks. As you know, OSA treatments are typically covered by medical insurance rather than dental, and with that comes an entirely different billing process. Dental medical billing is as time consuming as it is essential, and you just wish there was a simpler way to do it so your team didn’t have to spend half their day on the phone helping a single patient.

Fortunately, more and more dentists have discovered a way to do just that, and today, we’re going to share it with you. (more…)

How to Handle Fee Negotiation for Dental Medical Billing

August 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — bradybilling @ 12:53 pm

Frustrated woman on phoneFee negotiation. If you’re a dentist who regularly treats people for sleep apnea, then you’re all too familiar with this process, or rather, your front desk team is. When it comes to dental medical billing, you want your practice AND your patients to get the absolute most that they can from their medical insurance, but companies sure don’t make it easy. It’s almost impossible to just call them up on the phone, and even if you do get a hold of someone, your only reward is negotiating money when you’d rather be helping patients.

Fortunately, there are ways to streamline this process so everyone can get exactly what they want: you’ll be fairly compensated for your services, your patients will save on a treatment they need, and your team won’t have to spend half the day on the phone to make it happen. (more…)