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How to Handle Fee Negotiation for Dental Medical Billing

August 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — bradybilling @ 12:53 pm

Frustrated woman on phoneFee negotiation. If you’re a dentist who regularly treats people for sleep apnea, then you’re all too familiar with this process, or rather, your front desk team is. When it comes to dental medical billing, you want your practice AND your patients to get the absolute most that they can from their medical insurance, but companies sure don’t make it easy. It’s almost impossible to just call them up on the phone, and even if you do get a hold of someone, your only reward is negotiating money when you’d rather be helping patients.

Fortunately, there are ways to streamline this process so everyone can get exactly what they want: you’ll be fairly compensated for your services, your patients will save on a treatment they need, and your team won’t have to spend half the day on the phone to make it happen.

Fee Negotiation Made Easy

Something that many dentists may not be aware of is that insurance companies do not pay dentists the same amount for their services. Some dentists may receive 10-20% more from an insurance company depending on how they negotiated their fees. Upon hearing this, you may be motivated to get on the phone with the insurance providers you work with, but good luck getting anything done! Gone are the days when you could just call up your local representative and have a chat.

Truthfully, medical insurance companies are all about saving money for themselves, so they’re more than happy to make you AND your patients wait if you’re asking for more. What usually ends up happening is some poor member of your front desk team spends half their day waiting on the phone when they could have been helping patients, and then you have to negotiate the fees yourself when you’d rather be doing just about anything else. Besides, you’re not a professional negotiator, you’re a dentist! This isn’t your area of expertise, and you just feel uncomfortable with the entire process.

If this sounds like you, you’re far from alone. This is why more and more dentists around the country are choosing to partner with a company like Brady Billing. Why? Because, in short, we’ll handle all of your medical insurance billing so you don’t have to, including fee negotiations. Our team is specially trained to negotiate on your behalf so you and your patients can get the most coverage possible. Even better, you’ll save endless amounts of time. While you’re greeting patients, performing procedures, and taking care of your office, your expert at Brady Billing will be fighting for you.

They’ll learn everything they can about your practice so they can faithfully represent you, including your fees, how they compare to others in the area, as well as how much the insurance companies pay other dentists for similar services. In the end, it’ll be like you’re negotiating for yourself, but better. With us, you’ll have one less thing to worry about so you can fully concentrate on what’s really important: serving your patients.

Simple Medical Billing for Dentists

Fee negotiation is a part of life nowadays for dentists, but with Brady Billing, you’ll never have to waste time or effort on it again. To learn about everything we can do to help you grow your practice, please contact us today or schedule a FREE consultation.

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