Why is a Holistic Approach to Treating Sleep Apnea Necessary?
January 17, 2019

Most people think of sleep apnea as something that only impacts older patients, but recent research indicates that there are actually warning signs early in life that can be treated in order to prevent sleep apnea from ever occurring. In most cases, treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is geared toward just addressing the symptoms, cessation of breathing during sleep, but a more holistic approach that could begin in childhood may be a better long-term solution. Keep reading to find out more about how dentists are preventing sleep apnea before it begins.
(more…)Are You Taking Advantage of the 3 Year Rule?
January 7, 2019

Most insurance providers and even Medicare make it possible for patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea to receive a new oral appliance every three years. This ensure the ongoing function of their appliances. However, many patients don’t know about this, and many dentists fail to touch base with their patients to ensure they’re coming back for a new appliance at least every three years. Keep reading to learn more about the three year rule and how you can put it to work in your dental office.
(more…)How Does Medicare Actually Work with Sleep Apnea Treatment?
November 7, 2018
Dental and medical insurance policies can seem to be purposefully complicated, but Medicare coverage can be especially challenging. If you’ve made the decision to offer oral appliances for sleep apnea sufferers, you may need to understand how Medicare policies cover these devices. You may be thinking, “I already accept regular medical insurance, and that’s a hassle. How much worse is Medicare going to be?” The truth is, it can be a big challenge and take up a lot of your time during the application process. In this post, we’ll discuss the process for becoming a Medicare provider for oral appliances and why it’s worth the challenge.
(more…)Potential Challenges for Dental Sleep Practices
October 12, 2018
Many dentists who decide to offer sleep apnea and snoring services in their dental offices are told that it’s an instant money maker. When done right, dental sleep medicine can be great for your bottom line. When done wrong, well it may not do anything to help your practice be more successful. In this post, we’re going to review two of the main issues that dentists need to be prepared for when offering dental sleep medicine services.
Growing Your Online Presence – The Third Phase of Starting a Dental Sleep Practice
September 30, 2018
The third phase of starting your thriving dental sleep practice is establishing and growing your online presence. Most dentists have websites for their general dentistry practice, but you’ll need to develop a presence as a practitioner offering sleep dentistry services. In this post, we’ll review some of the many ways that you can grow your online presence to spread the word about your dental sleep practice.
Exceptional Dental Billing Services – NO Hidden Fees!
September 8, 2018
When you decided to start offering dental sleep medicine services, you never thought you’d be dealing with hours and hours of processing and filing medical insurance claims. The reality is, an effective dental sleep practice will need to offer medical insurance coverage for patients. However, most dental offices don’t have the extra time or staff to complete all of the paperwork, phone calls, and research necessary to maximize this coverage. There are numerous billing services out there who can help you with this process, but it seems like they are taking all of the additional income you should be receiving from sleep dentistry. At Brady Billing, we pride ourselves on providing billing services with no hidden fees. Keep reading to learn more about what sets us apart from other medical insurance billing services.
Medical Billing – The Second Phase of Starting a Dental Sleep Practice
August 21, 2018
In a busy dental office, adding one more thing to your team’s to-do list can be a real challenge, especially when you’re growing the practice by offering a new service like dental sleep medicine. One common struggle dental offices have when it comes to opening their dental sleep practice is deciding whether or not to process medical insurance benefits. Many offices choose to forego this service, encouraging patients to apply for reimbursement of treatment costs directly from the medical benefit provider. While the reimbursement application process is usually pretty straightforward, patients may choose to visit a dental sleep practice that will complete these claims forms for them. If you want to offer medical insurance coverage for your patients without putting unnecessary stress on your dental office team, Brady Billing is here to help. We offer medical insurance and billing services, specializing in assisting dental sleep offices. In this post, we’ll talk about some of the reasons it’s so important to give your patients access to their medical coverage when building a new dental sleep office.
Introductions – The First Phase of Starting a Dental Sleep Practice
July 30, 2018
When you’re ready to start offering your dental patients sleep apnea treatment options, you will need to follow a simple three-step plan to get your thriving dental sleep practice up and running. First, you need to make introductions, so your peers in the medical and dental community, as well as your patients, know you are offering the service. Second, you’ll need to learn more about medical insurance and billing. Finally, you’ll want to build your online presence and provide the necessary information to your patients both current and potential. In this post, we’ll discuss the first phase of starting your dental sleep practice – making introductions.
What Sets Brady Billing Apart from Other Billing Providers
July 20, 2018
There are a lot of medical billing service providers that help dental practices with their medical insurance and other billing needs. Your dental office is unlike any other practice in your area, and Brady Billing is not like any other billing provider. In this post, we’ll discuss just a few of the many factors that set us apart from other medical insurance and billing providers.
Do You Offer Medical Billing Training for Dental Office Staff?
June 13, 2018
At Brady Billing, we are dedicated to helping dentists and dental office teams offer the best possible service for their patients. That means we don’t just complete your medical billing tasks behind the scenes in secret without ever explaining what we’re doing. Our knowledgeable team members are here to help you and your staff better understand the importance of medical billing, answer your questions, and yes, we can even help your team learn the steps necessary to process these medical claims. However, our goal is to remove this burden from your team as much as possible and provide support when questions do arise. We create a billing service plan that works for your dental office, so you can spend your time helping patients smile.